It might be spring according to the calendar, but it’s still mighty chilly out there. Try warming up with a bowl of our Mighty Mushroom Soup that will nourish you...
When you do your weekly food shopping this week make sure and pick up some organic Brussel Sprouts and organic Tofu to make this yummy dish. Cut the stems off...
Usually it’s a Sunday morning and you peruse your current food supply to determine your eats for the next week. If you have zucchini, bananas, apples, sweet potato, carrots or...
Soup can be served as a meal, a snack or a delicious side dish. You can spend hours preparing or minutes warming up a store bought brand. Always check the...
Can you think of anything healthier and more delicious than a winter salad with a combination of almonds, brussel sprouts and pomegranate seeds? The healthy fat in the almonds, along...
Favorite breakfast ever. Simple, healthy, and so delicious. Start with a slice of a healthy whole grain bread. I use a slice of 7 sprouted organic whole grain bread which...
I had never made Sweet Potato Biscuits before. Very easy to make and bake. Just take one sweet potato, milk, and oil (see recipe below) and pulse in food processor....
Here is an easy, healthy and delicious recipe for your Meatless Monday- or whatever day you chose to go with a plant based protein. INGREDIENTS INCLUDE: 3 TBSP.OLIVE OIL 2...
Check out the post on our Facebook page “Start your day with Joy’s sweet potato, peanut butter, and banana toast recipe”. EWB created several pieces of “toast” with a sweet...
Sally is a healthy eating advocate who believes that a nutritious, plant-based diet can be fun and exciting, even in a city that loves its beer and wings.
-EWB on Insta-
2 years ago Vacation time!
2 years ago My annual melanoma check-up at Roswell Park elicits such a range of emotions ranging from fear to acceptance to joy. Before the visit I am always sure they will find something and begin making plans in my head for how I’m going to deal with it. The day of my appointment, I try to accept whatever will be the outcome and tell myself this is why I have the annual appointment-to catch another cancer in the early stages. Finally, when they say everything looks great and see you next year, I literally feel like I have wings and can fly
2 years ago Exercise is a must for me first thing in the morning